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Information for MEXT (Japanese Government Scholarship) Applicants

The following instructions are particulary to those who already have a contact with Japanese Embassy or Consurate in your country. If you do not have any yet, call them now to get the initial information.

Maybe, you have said by a embassy staff that you have to contact to certain Japanese professor of your field, and get  a "Letter of Acceptance".  I  receive such requests every year, and in such cases, I always request some information as follows.

1) A letter describing your language background, study theme or interests, currently conceived program, and your intention whether you will have some family member(s) in Japan or not.

2) Curriculum Vitae

3) Some recent works from your portfolio. (5 pages will be enough)

Item 1) and 2) may be a copy of the application forms of MEXT scholarship. If you kindly send these materials, I shall be willing to review them.

Sending an Email to Tomioka attached with a well Condensed PDF file less than 8MB is the most preferableand convenient option.

Please let me allow enough time to consider, at least 2 weeks against the deadline.

Please attend yourself at an email terminal and respond promptly. I will have to have many correspondences with you swiftly to get to the success.